

Paula Jager
7 years 4 months ago
A) Strength: Back Squat; 2 sets of 8 @ 65% of 1rm, then 3 sets of 3 @ 75% (add 5# from last

B) Metcon:
21-18- 15 Dumbbell thruster (40-50# / 25-35#)
42-36- 30 Double unders
Paula Jager
7 years 4 months ago
A) Pendlay Row: 5,5,5,5,5 (find a heavy set of 5)
Keep chest parallel to the floor w/ knees slightly bent. Row the bar into the sternum area

B) Metcon: 12min AMRAP
9 hollow rocks (sub sit ups)
Paula Jager
7 years 4 months ago
A) Strength: Strict Press; 2 sets of 8 @ 65%, then 3 sets of 3 @ 75% (add 2.5-5# from last week)

B) Metcon: 5 rounds (20min)
Min 1; 9 Hang Power Snatch (75/55)
Min 2; 10/7 cal aab or row
Min 3; 9 toes to bar
Paula Jager
7 years 4 months ago
A) Gymnastics; Pistol squat; finding scaling, then:
10min emom 6 alternating pistols

B) Metcon: 20min cap
50 box jumps (30/24)
50 AKBS  (70/53)
50 Wall balls
50 burpees
Score: Time
Paula Jager
7 years 4 months ago
A)    Oly: Power Clean + Hang Clean + Front Squat + Shoulder to Overhead
E90sec x 7 rounds Start @ 60% of 1RM power clean, and add weight after each successful round.
B)  Metcon: Diane (time cap 15min, but really should be a sub 10 workout)
Paula Jager
7 years 5 months ago
A. Accessory:  10min cap:
Complete: 3 rounds of the following circuit:
25 sit ups, 15 back extensions, 12 push ups, 10 dumbbell tricep extensions, 10 ring rows.

B. Metcon: AMRAP 20min
Team of 2, 1:1
AMRAP 20min
Paula Jager
7 years 5 months ago
A) Strength: Strict Press; 2 sets of 8 @ 65% of 1rm, then 3 sets of 3 @ 75%

B) Metcon: 6 RFT
5 Hang Clean (squat) (135/95)
4 Shoulder to Overhead

12 min cap

Score: Strict press weight, 8s and 3s, Time
Paula Jager
7 years 5 months ago
A) Gymnastics; Toes to bar technique wod; then 3min AMRAP TTB or K2E

B) Metcon: E5MOM x 15min (3rds)
1rd leg cranks (20 squats, 20 lunge steps, 20 jump squats, 20 split jumps)
200m run

Score: TTB reps, completed rounds
Paula Jager
7 years 5 months ago
A) Oly: Power Snatch; Find a heavy single

B) Metcon: 7min AMRAP
Ascending ladder
3 Power Snatch (95/65)
3 Box Jump over (24/20)
6 PS
6 BJO, 9,9, 12,12 etc.
Paula Jager
7 years 5 months ago
A) Strength: Back Squat; 2 sets of 8 @ 65% of 1rm, then 3 sets of 3 @ 75%

B) Metcon: 12min AMRAP
10 push ups