

Paula Jager
7 years 4 months ago
Skill: 3 Rounds

75ft Single Arm Overhead Carry (Each Arm)

*Perform 3 Push Press every 25ft

**May increase weight


5 Rounds

50 Double Unders
Paula Jager
7 years 4 months ago
WOD: EMOM x 24, alternating through movements

Min 1) 15/12 Cals AAB

Min 2) 15 KB Russian Swings 70/53

Min 3) 15 OHS 95/65

Min 4) 15 Sit ups

Score is rounds completed
Paula Jager
7 years 4 months ago
Strength: Pick One

A) Weighted Pullup

3-3- 3-3- 3, increase across sets

B) Accumulate 30-40 Strict Pull Ups – bands ok

WOD: For Time

25 Deadlifts 225/155

800m Run
Paula Jager
7 years 4 months ago
Strength: E2MOM x 9 Rounds

Min 1-3: 5 Strict Press

Min 4-6: 5 Push Press

Min 7-9: 5 Push Jerks

*Look to increase each round

WOD: Teams of 2/3

Paula Jager
7 years 4 months ago
Oly: Every :90 for 10 rounds

Hang Snatch + Full Snatch

*Start around 60% of 1RM Snatch and build up

WOD: Isabel

30 Snatches 135/95

Score is heaviest Snatch complex/time
Paula Jager
7 years 4 months ago
Skill: Handstand Practice – 15-20 min

A) Work on inversion if uncomfortable being upside down

B) Wall Drills: (Work on being inverted and transferring weight from side to side)

a. Shoulder Taps

b. Hip Taps
Paula Jager
7 years 4 months ago
Endurance: Pick one of the following

1) 1 mile run

2) 2k row

3) 100/80 calories AAB

4) 75 bar facing burpees

(16 min cap)

WOD: For Time

50 Lateral Burpees
Paula Jager
7 years 4 months ago

Teams of 3


Buy In: 150 cals AAB or 200 cals row

In remaining time…


12 Wall balls 20/14
Paula Jager
7 years 4 months ago

EMOM x 16

Min 1) 10 DB Strict Press (Right)

Min 2) 10 KB Front Rack Step Up (Right)

Min 3) 10 DB Strict Press (Left)
Paula Jager
7 years 4 months ago

Turkish Get Ups

5 x 3/side

*Increase weight if form is good


For max total reps