GPP Week of 7/9 - 7/14

Paula Jager
Saturday, July 7, 2018 - 06:30
Monday 7/9 -  Trifecta 
Front Squat
5 x 65%
5 x 75%
5+ x 85%

3 min AMRAP
10 Pull Ups
10 Ring Dips
Max KB Goblet Squats 70/53

3 min AMRAP
10 Ring Dips
10 KB Goblet Squats 70/53
Max Pull ups

3 min AMRAP
10 KB Goblet Squats 70/53
10 Pull Ups
Max Ring Dips

*Rest 2 minutes between AMRAPs

Score is FS Weight/total number of reps

Tuesday 7/10 - Quarter Slots
10 min EMOM
1 High Hang Snatch +
1 Low Hang Snatch

For Time
400m run
1 Rope Climb
400m run
2 Rope Climbs
400m run
3 Rope Climbs
400m run
4 Rope Climbs

Score is weight/time

Wednesday 7/11 - National Slurpee Day
8 min EMOM
Odd: 10 Dbl KB Deadlifts
Even: 5 to 10 Strict HSPU

5 Rounds
50ft Handstand Walk
5 Deadlifts 275/185

Score is rounds completed/time

Thursday 7/12 - 7th Inning Stretch 
5 rounds
1 min max Power Cleans 135/95
1 min max Bench Press 135/75
2 min rest

12 min ARMAP
Teams of 2
7 Back Squat 135/95
7 Burpees
7 AAB Cals
*Rotate each completed round

Score is number of reps/rounds + reps

Friday 7/13 - Balls of Fury
5 sets of
3 Strict Press (climbing)
8 to 10 (side) DB Bent Over Rows
Rest 2 minutes

For Time
Wall Balls 20/14
Hang DB Snatch 45-50/30-35

Score is weight/time

Saturday 7/14 - Hot Tamale 
10 minutes to get as far as possible
1000m Row
100 T2B
Max Squat Cleans 135/95

Rest 3 minutes

10 minutes to get as far as possible
800m Run
100 Push Ups
Max SDHP 135/95

Rest 3 minutes

10 minutes to get as far as possible
100/70 Cal AAB
100 Russian Swings
Max Sit Ups

Teams of 2, split reps as team decides. Only 1 working at a time.

Score is total number of reps (Squat Cleans + SDHP + Sit Ups)
