Tuesday – Speedy Gonzalez

Paula Jager
Monday, September 5, 2022 - 21:30

Speed Squats
EMOM x 6
Back Squat x 3 reps @~50% These are LIGHT and FAST
*focus on speed out of the bottom
A) 2x I would run EMOM style to keep class on track/time
10/10 Poliquin step ups 
10 cyclist squat 
:30/:30 side pillar rotation 
B) 2x EMOM style, coaches discretion
10 plate pick ups
3/3 Spider-Man lunge + rotation
6 rower pike ups
6/6 db step ups
10/10 foot elevated SL glute bridge
6 hanging straight leg raise (no kipping), scale is hanging knee raise with L sit leg lowering
3 sets for load