Thursday – We Be Jamming

Paula Jager
Wednesday, November 2, 2022 - 21:00

WARM UP: Start your Engines Use as warm up, no time for more
2x @70-75%
300 m run
5/5 tall step ups step downs
10/10 side plank hip taps (tap hip towards floor)
6/6 single arm kb bottoms up press
WOD 1 Tempo Pump
6 db bench press (3131)
7 single arm db bent over row (30x1)
4 negative handstand push ups RX+ is strict
*see video for scale
Bench example
3: eccentric or lowering phase (down)
1: pause at bottom
3: concentric or shortening (up)
1: pause at top
WOD 2 Upper Body Intensive
Db push ups (hands elevated)
Ring rows or BB recline row

Seated barbell press
*5 dragon flags between each set
Coach set cap ~15 min
WOD 3 Sumo Prowling
4 x
8 sumo deadlifts (focus on position and speed)
Prowler push 1 turf length 45/35