Friday – Cleany Complex

Paula Jager
Thursday, June 2, 2022 - 21:00

10 ring rows
10 push ups
10 scapula push ups
:20-:30 bottom of squat hang out, hold pole and move
2x landmine single arm
10 bent over row (r)
10 upright row (r)
5 single arm squat (r)
10 bent over row (L)
10 upright row (L)
5 single arm squat (L)
*bar position for bent over row - outside your legs

*upright row- with bar in right arm head of bb should be in front of left leg
EMOM x 5
Clean Lift Off (Pause :02 about 4-6 inches off the floor, return to ground for next rep)
Halting Power Clean (Pause :02 @ top of knees then finish power clean)
Hang Power Clean
Front Squat
-Rest 2:00
EMOM x 5
Clean Pull (Deadlift Shrug)
Power Clean
Hang Squat Clean
3 Rounds For Time
250m Row
10 SA Hang DB/KB Power Clean + STOH (Right)
10 T2B
10 burpees
20 Anchored Sit Ups
10 SA Hang DB/KB Power Clean + STOH (Left)
Women- #30
Men- #50
Coaches Notes:
Scoring: pass/fail on the