Will you do the Fandango?

Paula Jager
Tuesday, November 14, 2017 - 10:12
Skill: Gymnastics focus: 15 min to work on...
Handstand walks and holds
- Partner assist HS Walks
- Holds against the wall w/ shoulder taps (kick up or wall walk)
- Inversion off box (both feet on the box then one leg up)
Assisted Hold option
3 sets of 5: Feet on box: hold push-up support 10 secs then walk hands in; hold box hstd 10
secs (Stack hips over shoulders; shoulders over hands when walk hands in.)
Rest 90 seconds before next set

WOD: With a 16-minute running clock:
Min 1: Max Calories Assault bike
Min 2: Rest
Min 3: Max Reps HSPU (sub: ONE!!!abmat then HRPU)
Min 4: Rest
Min 5: Max Calories Rower
Min 6: Rest
Min 7: Max Double Unders
Min 8: Rest

Score: pass or no pass/total reps
