
Paula Jager
Monday, May 8, 2017 - 10:13
A)    Gymnastics: 3 rounds, 15 seconds transition between exercises, no break between rounds.

1. Toes to bar; 1min AMRAP (scale knee raise, or toes to rig)

2. Pull ups; 1min AMRAP (bands ok)

3. HSPU: 1min AMRAP (scale 1 abmat, and then either pike push ups, incline push ups (feet on box), or around the world on box.

B)  Metcon: Teams of 2, 2min rest between amraps

1. 4min amrap - Row Calories, switch every 20m/16f cal, non rowing partner does max hollow rocks (scale sit ups)

2. 4min amrap - Double unders (switch every 50 (100 singles), non jumping partner does max ground to overhead with 45/25 plate

3. 4min amrap - AAB Calories, switch every 15m/12f, non biking partner does max russian twists w/ plate

Score: Part A) total reps, part B) total reps

Thank you to our vendors for coming out to day one of Member Appreciation Week!

Catered Fit

Maximized Living

Clean Juice