Another One Bites The Dust

Paula Jager
Tuesday, October 3, 2017 - 09:48
Skill: HSPU Skill
Review proper loading for kipping handstand pushups
Then, every :90 for 6 rounds
For Rounds 1, 3, and 5, pick one of the following options and stay with it for all 3 rounds
Option 1) Handstand Hold for :15 seconds
Option 2) Wall Walk + :15 Hold
Option 3) Wall Walk + 10 Alt Shoulder Taps
For Rounds 2, 4, and 6, pick one of the following options and stay with it for all 3 rounds
Option 1) 5 to 10 Pike Push-ups or Hand release push ups
Option 2) 5 to10 Kipping Handstand Push ups
Option 3) 5 to 10 Strict HSPU

WOD: Kettlebell DT
5 Rounds for time – 18min cap
12 KB Suitcase DLs – right
9 KB Hang Power Cleans – right
6 KB Push Jerks – right
12 KB Suitcase DLs – left
9 KB Hang Power Cleans – left
6 KB Push Jerks – left
Rx: 53/35 lbs

Score is rounds completed/time
