October 24, 2011

Paula Jager
Monday, October 24, 2011 - 11:37
Monday, October 24, 2011

Man Down

Warm up:  400 m row, 2 x:  5 db snatches 30#/20#, 10 swings, 5 mb triceps push ups

Weighted pull ups 5. 5. 3. 3

5 deadlifts 275#/185#
10 burpees
5 RFT*
*8:00 min time limit:  goal is to pick a weight (that means scale if necessary)
that allows you to complete in under 8 minutes
Post 3 rm/time for score


The photos are coming in . . .

Again would like to congratulate Robbie H for his outstanding performance in his first Men's Obstacle Course competiton on Sat with a blazing time of 48 on the course for 3rd place and a perfect score in box jumps!
