October 11, 2012

Paula Jager
Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 10:26
Thursday, October 11, 2012


Warm Up: 400m run, 2 x 10 lunges, 10 ring rows

Skill/Focus: Pistols
Warm up with body weight if you are using weight; find best modification if you
are not; 1 or 2 warm up sets for the row

Pistols x 6-8 ( a load if possible)
Rest 60 sec
1 arm db row x 8-10 (if you get 10 go up)
Rest 60 sec
4 sets


AMRAP in 12 min
6 db g2o 40-45#/25-30#
12 box jumps 24"/20"
Partner @ 1:1
Post Pistol weight if used/row weight and # rds for score

PRE-ORDER T SHIRTS:  please don't forget to order your tee shirts if you haven't already--we will be placing the order tomorrow and this will guarantee you get the size you want.


