November 3, 2012

Paula Jager
Friday, November 2, 2012 - 07:15
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Till Death Do Us Part

Partner wod
100m buddy carry (switch who is carrying at 50m)
90 swings/squat hold (while 1 person swings, the other person is in a squat hold, switch when someone gets tired)
80 jump ropes EACH
70 push ups/plank hold (while 1 person does push ups, the other person is in a plank hold, switch when someone gets tired)
60 pull ups
50m prowler push together #315/225
40 box jumps
30 wall balls (one partner does a wall ball and the other partner catches the wall and goes into their squat)
20 med ball get ups EACH #20/14
10 burpees EACH
for time

Nicky and Pete finisher: 400m sandbag carry :)







Best wishes to Nicky & Pete!  We can't wait till next Friday. . .