May 4, 2012

Paula Jager
Friday, May 4, 2012 - 09:44
Friday, May 4, 2012

Gunfight Gone Bad

Warm up:  2x 250 m row, 10 t stab push ups, 10 rev lunges

Skill:  Pistol Practice
Spend 5 to 10 min working on your pistol.  Use a variety of modifications to find what works best for you at this time.  Add weight for those with a solid pistol

3 rds for max reps (FGB style)
ball slams 20#/14#
bo row 95#/65#
goblet rev lunges 50#/30#
db bench press 50-60#/25-30#
row for calories
1 min at ea station w/ continuously running clock
1 min btwn rds
Post total reps for score

Last day to pre order shirts is Sat, May 5th

Swimsuit Challenge Celebration:  May 12 @ 11:00.  Zena is making curried chicken, Janet beef that will make you proud you are a carnivore and I am making barbecued pork butt.  Please bring a Paleo side dish of your choice to compliment.  Sign up sheet is at the box next to whiteboard scoreboard.  Details on exact meeting location will be emailed.

6:00 am class:  girls w/ Pistol Power


