July 18, 2011

Paula Jager
Monday, July 18, 2011 - 11:33
Monday, July 18, 2011


Warm up:  400 m run, 2 rds Cindy

Skill/focus:  Back Squat
2-3 sets to find load

Back squat EMOM style
5 reps every 90 s @ 75% 1rm for 9 min
rest 3 min

2 db snatches each side 40#-50#/25-35#
4 power cleans
6 thrusters
AMRAP in 12 mins
Post squat weight used/# rds for score


Tough Mudder Registration:  Jen & Monique signed up today.  If you type in "National Mudders" under discounts when you register and then hit verify you will receive $10 off.  It is also 75% full for Florida; if you are doing the race sign up now, do not wait or it may be too late.

Check out some of our friends below. . .

For expert phtography needs Deb Schwedhelm's the best https://www.debsphotographs.com/

Awesome yet simple Paloe recipes Steph's quite the chef https://www.intentionalconsumption.com/

For all the latest on health & wellness Sarah is tops https://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/
