December 8, 2011

Paula Jager
Thursday, December 8, 2011 - 11:32

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Team Push

Warm up:  2x 1 min jumprope, 30 s plank hold, 10 burpees

200 m run
12 weighted push ups 45#/25#
15 sit ups
Partner AMRAP 25 mins (1 goes, 1 rests)
Post total team rds for score



A CrossFit poem, by Shaina...

Twas the night before the holiday party
And all through the box
Not a CrossFitter was stirring
No one watching the clock

The stockings were hung by the leaderboard with care
Hoping that Linda, Cindy and Manion would not soon be there
The CrossFitters were all nestled snug in their beds
While visions of almond-flour cookies danced in their heads

And Paula in her Vibrams, with her trusty whistle
Had just posted the WOD and finished some gristle
When out on the pull-up bars there arose such a clatter
She sprang from her desk to see what was the matter

What to her wondering eyes should appear
But a room full of wodders, all dressed in their gear:

"Now Nicky! Now Steph! Now Zena and Kevin!
On Robbie! On Kim! On Nicole and Devin!
Now get to the rowers! Get to the track!
Now squat - SQUAT - both front and back!"

As dry leaves before the wild hurricane fly
Facing an obstacle, CFers have a goal in their eye
So up to the rings and bars they flew
With arms full of bumpers and chalk dust, too

And then, on the roof, Paula heard something beat
The thudding and pounding of big, heavy feet
As she gathered her thoughts and turned around
Down the rope came St. Nick, pound for pound

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his toes
But he was far too plump, he swelled in his clothes!
A large bundle of presents hung on his back
But he looked to be having a heart attack

 His eyes, they were rheumy, his dimples had vanished
And yet he looked for food - obviously famished!
He searched for brownies, for cookies and cake
Till Paula explained those sweets were nothing she would make

He enjoyed sweet potato cookies and drank the raw milk
He sampled the chocolate bacon and its primal ilk
The wodders told him that eating well was his duty
Because that sleigh of his has no room for his booty

St. Nick set down his bag and to a barbell he ran
Cranking out 8 minutes on RX Fran!
Spry with energy he then did clean and jerks
Till he finally realized he should get back to work

He filled all the stockings with speed ropes and grips
With ab mats and kettlebells, with rings for their dips

And finishing up, he grabbed for the rope
And giving a nod, he climbed and he groped
CrossFitters heard him exclaim, no longer having to plod
"Merry Christmas to all - and to all a good WOD!"

Thanks to everyone for signing up to bring delicious paleo/primal dishes, drinks and other items for our holiday party Friday night! And for those of you that signed up but didn't note what you're bringing, we look forward to... your mystery item?!

We look to have about 70+ guests in attendance - which means it will be a LOT of fun, but for those of you cooking, please don't think that you have to make one serving per person. There will be a lot of food and everyone will get their fill, but no one has to go overboard in preparing a meal for 70+ people. (Except Paula and Bob - everyone will
want meat!) The only thing we will DEFINITELY need enough of is cups, napkins, utensils and plates. If you've signed up for one of those, please bring slightly more than we have RSVPs, just in case. If you're bringing a side dish, please remember to bring a spoon/tongs/whatever you might need to get from bowl to plate.

With so many folks in attendance and what looks to be nice weather, we'd like to take advantage of outdoor seating as well. If you have anyfolding chairs, feel free to bring them along and we'll set up inside/outside the box.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the box tomorrow night!
