August 17, 2012

Paula Jager
Friday, August 17, 2012 - 06:22
Friday, August 17, 2012

Jumping Beans

Warm up:  25 jumping jacks, 10 pvc pass thrus, 10 ohs, 10 mtn clmbrs

Skill/focus:  Seated Box Jumps
Using benches, jump from a seated position; a few warm up sets then. . .

seated box jump
5 sets of 1 for max height

21 deadlifts 225#/155#
27 du
15 dl's
45 du's
9 dl
63 du's
Score is max height and time


Thus far I have had quite a bit of feedback on those interested in competing in the nationwide Paleo Challenge.  We are officially registered but need a team of 20 to compete as an affiliate.  Please read through the website (especially the rules) in its entirety before deciding.
