Michelle M.

Paula Jager
Tuesday, July 12, 2016 - 07:07
I walked into Jaguar to get strong again after having my daughter, Mia.  Back then it was a personal training gym.  I was only supposed to be there for a few months until I found my own routine but I loved how hard Paula pushed me so I never left…except for a brief hiatus to train for NYC marathon…and almost 14 years later I am still there!!

My first impression has not changed at all and is one of the many reasons I am still there.  I was sitting across from Paula in her office for the first time talking about my fitness level, goals, etc.  She looked at me like “what can this little girl do?”  I remember thinking “what the hell?  I will show her what I can do”.  And because Paula and I have worked out together for most of those 14 years, we motivate each other daily.

My first acheivement was strapping on a 45lb plate and completing a dead hang pull-up…that was a really great day!!  And training for a Tri-Fitness Obstacle course competition…something I never thought I would ever do.

I am now just working on being strong, physically and mentally.  You can’t have one without the other.

I have way too many favorite memories to pick just one, so I will focus on my favorite Jaguar days in general.  They are the days when we walk in, not wanting to be there, but we show up anyway because that is just what we do.  We don’t take any excuses, push each other to do more, and call each other out in very inappropriate and funny ways.  And we walk out feeling strong and accomplished and happy.  I love those days.