Kesha K.

Paula Jager
Wednesday, October 19, 2016 - 07:07
I was looking for a different type of physical activity that would challenge me as well as make me stronger. I also wanted to change up from my usual activity of running.

My first impression walking in and seeing the Crossfit class was "OMG". I always have a fear of slowing someone else down or being the last to finish. That impression has changed because the coaches are AWESOME!!! They all push you because they know what you're capable of! Even when you're the last, the entire class is there to cheer and encourage you on to finish the WOD!

My first achievement was getting my butt in the door. Ha! OK, then after that I'd say being able to complete a push press properly. I've always had horrible upper body strength but that's slowly changing.

I'm currently working on continuing to increase my my upper body strength because that is where I'm the weakest. I'd like to be able to complete a push up without using a box or a bar. That's when I know I've made great progress.

My favorite Jaguar memory is volunteering at the Battle of The Boxes. I say this because this was an eye opener for me. I was able to see, if I apply myself and keep my ass (excuse my French) in class, what I too can be capable of.