Kathryn H.

Paula Jager
Monday, July 25, 2016 - 09:28

I did CrossFit a few years ago in my hometown in North Carolina but I injured my rotator cuff due to the coach's negligence, I then began to, essentially, do bodybuilding instead for about 2 years or so. I moved to Tampa October of 2015 and continued the bodybuilding regiment but I quickly grew tired of its monotony, I knew that the true workout I craved was CrossFit and that I needed to conquer my fear of getting injured again. I met Kim one day at CrossFit Jaguar, she showed me the whole gym and was very kind when I addressed my concern with injuries and put my anxiety to rest.
              CrossFit not only challenges you physically but mentally as well and I love a good challenge, in addition to that society puts a lot of pressure on Women as far as how they "should" look - no muscles, no explicitly shown strength of any kind, etc.- and that drives me even more to be the best athlete that I can be. A lot of people emphasize weights, PRs, whether or not your RX'd the WOD, et cetera but what I am most concerned with is whether or not I am pushing myself physically and mentally beyond my comfort zone because therein lies true personal growth and positive change.
              My first impression, like so many others, was apprehension, but mostly it was fear of myself, my capabilities, and anxiety of trusting a coach once again. In order for us to change positively we must subdue our timidity and become aware of how truly powerful we all are as individuals, and that crusade begins within our mind. I had to accept that fact that  the possibility of injury inherently lies within the realm of this sport, to acknowledge that not all coaches are the same, and that CrossFit Jaguar had my well-being and growth as their focus. Ever since I have come to that realization I have pushed myself farther and faster than I ever had before, that fact is why I am in love with CrossFit... It showed me what I am capable of.

            My first achievement at CrossFit Jaguar was attaining a spot on the Leaderboard for the first time. I achieved a Second Place spot for my 1000m row time, that distinction is invaluable to me because I have struggled with asthma my whole life, and while I have always thought that it would stop me from being a great athlete I was once again shown to myself by myself that I am just as capable as anyone else. A current goal that I am in pursuit of is an unbroken 50m handstand walk.
          My favorite Jaguar memory is the day I missed a box jump during a WOD and landed directly on my shin, the impact was so astounding that it made me nauseous but I kept going. Afterward, Jonathan cleaned and bandaged my wound, and Kim came up to me smiling, saying, "Welcome to CrossFit, you're one of us, now".