John M.

Paula Jager
Monday, May 9, 2016 - 09:18

I had always been a weight lifter.  I was out of shape and wasn’t motivated to go to the snobby gym (LA Fitness) and get in a proper workout.  I figured if I were in a class setting, I would be able to perform and be pushed to get into the shape I wanted.  I did a little research on “boot camps” and figured that was the best solution for me.  I discovered CrossFit one day while driving by the old location and I stopped in and met Paula.  I was sold!!  That was in 2011. 

I thought this should be a piece of cake.  I had always tried to stay in some kind of decent shape but realized after the first class I was in horrible shape.  I did that first class and thought I would die!!  A 47 year old man trying to keep up with a bunch of 20+ and 30+ year old people was not what I had figured it would be.  I saw Shaina and Kim killing it and thought “Oh great, I’m getting out done by a bunch of girls”  I was very intimidated!!  LOL.  Now I realize that it’s not a "girl/boy" thing but an athlete thing.  And we are all one big family that helps each other to be better than they were yesterday.  I still can’t keep up with them but I’m a lot closer than when I started.  :) 

My first achievement was completing a WOD in the allotted time and not being totally dead after doing it.

I have kind of gotten away from the “CrossFit” part of the gym.  About 3 years ago, Paula, myself, Stephanie and Michelle started doing CrossFit Football.  That progressed into “Field Strong” and now we are doing “Jacked Street”.  I personally like the “Field Strong” program as it helps me on the baseball field.  Now being 52, playing double headers on Sundays, in the middle of the summer, and playing with 18-25 year olds on Wednesdays and Saturdays, the Field Strong program has helped me immensely with conditioning and strength to be able to compete at an above average level. This past November, I was on a 52+ AND 45+ baseball team that won national championships in our age brackets.  It is quite an accomplishment to be able to win those tournaments.  I also have traveled to Phoenix, AZ and Las Vegas, NV to participate in tournaments there as well.  Those championships have alluded me so far but I feel we will win one in the near future.  I feel if it weren’t for the Field Strong program, I wouldn’t be able to compete as well as I do.  I see other men in these tournaments get hurt or wear down over the week that the tournaments occur.  I feel I am still strong and continue to produce consistently and without injury due to my training in the gym.  I also feel the training has helped me recover a lot quicker from my knee surgery and shoulder surgery that I had last year.  If I hadn’t been as strong and in condition as I was, I firmly believe the road to recovery would have been a lot harder and longer.

My favorite Jaguar memory is setting PR’s in the deadlift, squat and split jerk along with some other lifts and getting my name on the leader board of the Masters Division.  I am a very competitive person and love seeing my name up there with the other Master Division leaders.  Those are great guys and I’m blessed to be among them on that board.
