Jim K.

Paula Jager
Monday, May 16, 2016 - 11:53
I was in search of different ways to achieve my wellness goals. I was struggling with working out on my own consistently (ex. Jogging and Biking) and didn’t want to join a typical gym with just weights and treadmills. So after researching different options, CrossFit was intriguing to me. My first impression was "Wow! I am out of shape". LOL. Although a little intimidating, I found the challenge I was looking for. The coaches are patient and will modified the work out to fit the level of each member . The coaches (specifically Jonathan and Melissa) are well trained and can teach all levels. Also, CrossFit is for everyone. The members are so supportive of each other regardless of experience and their fitness level. My first impression was always a good one and it hasn’t changed. CrossFit work outs can be modified for all levels. 

My first achievement was finishing a Work Out Of The Day (WOD) without feeling like I was going to die. LOL. There are many but the top two that come to mine are. 1) Able to do a pushup without modification. My left shoulder mobility and strength is limited as a result of an injury. The coaches modified my pushups during warm ups and WODs allowing for the flexibility to improve and muscles to get stronger. Now I am able to do a regular push up. 2) Flexibility/Mobility – Hips especially and proper lifting techniques. I did not realize how important your hip flexibility is. I am currently working on pull ups. I want to be able to do a pull up without shoulder pain and a resistance band.

My favorite Jaguar memory? One morning I was the only one in the CrossFit Lite Class. Two members after finishing their WODs, Sara and Miranda, decided to work out again with me so I wouldn’t do my WOD alone. I was touched by their thoughtfulness and support. It was an amazing feeling knowing that two individuals care so much about a work out buddy to go through a second WOD just after finish one already.