Ike K.

Paula Jager
Saturday, November 21, 2015 - 08:08


I came to the Battle of the Boxes to watch my oldest daughter compete.  I was impressed with the camarderie and the atmosphere.  There was a sense of family and true caring for each other.  Additionally I was intrigued by the overall focus on healthy lifestyle.

My first impression was that I am too old and out of shape to do the things I saw people doing.  I have bought into the "leaving the ego at the door" attitude.  I also now understand it is all about doing things correctly and pushing as much as you can. I also now understand with the energy and encouragement of coaches and other athletes the sky is the limit.


I have to admit continuing past the On Ramp was an "achievement".  I struggled so much with proper technique and flexibility, I didn't think I would continue.  Doing a back squat with my heels staying on the ground and getting all the way down (and up) was my first VICTORY.

I am continuing to work on my flexibility and hope soon to master double unders.

My favorite memory would be finishing my first timed WOD.  I was out of gas with one rep to go and Coach Kim leaned over and said get up and finish.  Her energy and confidence got me over the hump.  The cool thing is new favorite memories are being made daily.