Brea C.

Paula Jager
Tuesday, August 16, 2016 - 07:31
I started CrossFit because globo gym wasn't cutting it for me anymore. Two of my friends had been suggesting for years that I give it a try, and I was finally ready to listen. I really wanted to be challenged in the gym and was over running on a treadmill like a hamster!

My first impression of CrossFit was that it was going to be a really fun challenge.... But that has changed because it has become so much more. I can confidently say that CrossFit will always have a place in my life!

My first achievement in CrossFit was going from being able to do 1 strict pull up when I started, to 10 strict pull ups six months in. It was also a huge achievement when I was finally able to string double unders together, after weeks of shin splints from practicing way too much! Right now, I'm still working on recovering from knee surgery in January and my next goal will be getting my gymnastic skills to a level that I can be a competitive athlete at local competitions.

My favorite Jaguar memory is doing Battle of the Boxes with Derien and Connor last year. It was a huge leap out of my comfort zone to be on a team with people I didn't know very well, but I'm so glad I did it, because I gained two friends I will have for a lifetime!