Athletes of the Month May 2015: Maria B. and Pete L.

Paula Jager
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - 11:44
Almost two years ago a shy, quiet girl walked into CF Jag looking for something to challenge her potential. She seemed ready and willing, but a little unsure of herself...

Fast forward and Maria is no longer unsure; she has unleashed her inner beast.  She came consistently; early to work on mobility and related drills and stayed after to perfect her pull ups and other movements.  Maria has packed on muscle, improved her stamina, endurance, strength, power and speed.  She’s competed in multiple CrossFit competitions and mud runs more than holding her own.

Maria now walks and talks with an air of confidence that wasn’t there before.  She’s made a lot of friends at the box and is a team player and supporter always participating in events and helping other members.


It’s commonly thought that athletes who can throw around a ton of weight can also throw around a ton of ego, but that couldn’t be further from the truth when it comes to Pete. Encouraging, enthusiastic, determined… and kind of quiet, Pete joined CrossFit Jaguar after seeing how much fun his then-girlfriend, now wife, Nicky was having.

Strength was never a problem for Pete, but he wanted to improve his endurance and performance in met cons. Pete is evidence that consistency, dedication, and working hard pay off big time. His endurance and technique have improved greatly. Don’t challenge him to a sprint on the rower as you’ll be hard pressed to surpass him - he holds the box record for both the 250 m and 500 m row. While improving his cardiovascular endurance, an amazing thing happened: Pete became even stronger in ALL his lifts and he’s still PR’ing on a consistent basis.

Besides being an absolute beast in the box, Pete is a hell of a nice guy and an outstanding member of our community. He is exemplary of the CF Jag lifestyle and he and Nicky prove that the couple who WOD together, stays together!

CF Jaguar proudly salutes Maria and Pete as May’s Athletes of the Month!