Paula Jager
Saturday, April 26, 2014 - 07:03

Here’s yet another success story of a long standing member that came to CF Jaguar on one of those “coupons”. . . let’s go back in time to December 2011 and in walks Tracey.  Both she, myself and the members took an immediate like to each other and if I remember correctly Tracey was hooked within the week — she definitely drank the Kool Aid. . .

Well here we are 2 1/2 years later — every aspect of Tracey’s fitness has not only improved but she has excelled in everything she attempts.  The usual strength and endurance quickly escalated and because of Tracey’s consistency, persistence and determination so have her gymnastics skills, Oly lifts and just about everything else .  Tracey has competed in our annual challenges placing on top along with a recent local CF team competition more than holding her own with the team placing in the upper rankings.

She comes in early, stays after, participates in our competition programming , is supportive of other members and a past She Beast Trophy holder to boot.  Tracey seems to continually improve on a weekly basis.  Just the other day I watched her drop under a perfectly executed full snatch with significant weight on the bar.  Pretty damn impressive for a gal with 2 knee surgeries that didn’t squat when she first came to us.  Well deserved my friend and long overdue; as as honored member of CF Jaguar we proudly salute you as Aprils’ AOM!